Chesham Bois CE School



RE Intent

Our Christian vision is based at the heart of all our curriculum and all we do with the children and the community of our school. As a school in RE we aim to develop our pupils as individuals and members of the society in which they live, by fostering a reflective approach to life in the context of a growing understanding of experiences, attitudes, beliefs and religious practices.


RE has a high profile at school, is timetabled weekly and is considered an important and vital part of the curriculum.  It;

  • Contributes much to the SMSC development of the children in our care working hand in hand with our PHSE curriculum
  • Prayer associated with our Christian values offers a firm foundation for the children’s reflective approach to their work, behaviour and approach to life
  • Increases the children’s tolerance, respect and understanding of others both within their community and beyond
  • Develops their understanding of right and wrong, gives them the opportunity to reflect on moral and ethical issues in an age appropriate way
  • Helps them develop and explore their own personal beliefs and develops a sense of belonging within a safe and caring environment
  • It helps children learn from and about different religions and faiths
  • Builds empathy, enquiry, expression and reasoning skills
  • It develops their knowledge, religious literacy and personal understanding of Christianity.


Although as a school we have fewer children of different faiths, we believe it is essential that the ideas of different faiths should be introduced to pupils to enable them to grow up accepting and understanding the diversity of different faiths, practices and diverse worldviews. 


RE Implementation

Chesham Bois CE School teaches RE from the Bucks Agreed Syllabus 2022-27, which was created in conjunction with Bucks SACRE (School Advisory Council for Religious Education).  It is the legal basis for RE in Bucks, teaching in line with the law and fulfils our statutory duties with regard to RE.  Using the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education Scheme (ODBE) of work we have developed our curriculum to ensure children are given creative and experiential opportunities to learn.

The main focus of our curriculum is Christianity with Hinduism, Judaism and Islam being studied thematically in Years 1 to 6. 

To really put the child at the centre of the learning within our creative curriculum we use not only books, internet resources but leverage art, drama, visuals, artefacts, music and external visitors to make RE come alive.  The children will also have the opportunity to visit places of worship including churches, a mandhir and a mosque.

We recognise the importance of the link between RE, our strong Christian values and collective worship, and the Christian year informs a framework for collective worship alongside other faith’s major celebrations (i.e. Diwali, Eid, Hannukah). Bible stories are also regularly shared through our interactive ‘Open the Book’ assemblies provided by our local church every Wednesday. 

Teachers are offered the opportunity to build their own knowledge and understanding of RE and through CPD opportunities, these are delivered by peers during staff meetings as well as through external providers.  The resources and knowledge within the school and the church community should ensure staff feel confident delivering the curriculum. 

All pupils with SEND learn alongside their peers, having equity of access to our full curriculum.

Children’s work and evidence of their progress is within their RE books and relevant work can and should be displayed in classrooms / wider school to engage and encourage discussion within the whole school community.


Children will be confident to articulate their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences while respecting the right of others to have different worldviews, values and ways of life. 

Children will be reflective learners with a strong understanding of Christian values, beliefs, stories and practices.

Children will develop their own personal sense of understanding and belonging.

Children will demonstrate a respect and tolerance of other faiths, accepting and respecting the diversity of the wider world. 

Children will understand peoples behaviour, choices, beliefs, attitudes and worldviews all influence how people live their lives; and understand everyone plays a part in the world we live in, religious or not.