School Lunches

All hot meals need to ordered via ParentPay. If you have lost the username and password required to activate your account please contact the school office and we can resend them to you.


Once you are registered -

Please ensure that you have ordered your meals by Wednesday the week before to ensure your child gets a meal the following week. If you miss this deadline you will need to provide a packed lunch for the days that you did not order meals for.


Please ensure there is always sufficient funds in your account to cover the cost of the meals ordered as the ParentPay system will cancel meals which have not been paid for. 

All food intolerance and allergy queries should be directed to or call 0121 420 3030

Some parents may be entitled to claim free school meals (FSM) for their child/ren.

If you believe you may be eligible, please download the form and return it to the school office.

Autumn 2024