Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page.  The class teacher this year is Mrs Pimenta, who will be supported by Mrs Newton.


You will find lots of important information on this page - including your child's weekly spellings, along with updates and pictures from our learning, important diary dates and knowledge organisers.


If you have any questions about anything, then please do not hesitate to contact the office, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.



PE day is Tuesday  - please come to school in your PE kit


Outdoor learning day is Wednesday - your child MUST have wellies and a coat.  They DO NOT need a change of clothes but you may send in some tracksuit bottoms.


Some key dates for your diary are as follows - 


Diary Dates


Tuesday 2nd July – Move up morning.

Saturday 6th July – PTA summer event

Monday 8th July – Sports week

Monday 8th July – End of year reports sent home.

Friday 12th July – Sports Day

Monday 15th July – Reserve Sports Day

Wednesday 17th July – Optional parents evening

Monday 22nd July – End of year church service

Tuesday 23rd July – Last day of term. Early finish @ 1.30pm





Spellings - Will be posted here on the Year 3 class page every Monday with a spelling test taking place in school on the following Monday. Your child will be allocated either group 1 or group 2 spellings – their groups will be written in their reading record. The groups are designed to give your child appropriate challenge.  PLEASE CHECK WHICH GROUP YOU CHILD IS IN THIS TERM - CAN BE FOUND IN THE BACK OF THE READING RECORD.

Times tables – We will do a Cracking Times Tables Test each week.  Children all start on level 1 and move up the levels when they get all of the calculations correct. Please practise tables at home as often as you can in lots of different ways.

Maths - Will be set on MyMaths.  It will be set on Monday, with the expectation that it will be completed by the following Monday. Your login can be found in your child’s reading record book.

English - Will be set on a Monday using the CGP books, and will either be SPAG or comprehension type activities. Again, the completed homework in the CGP books needs to be returned the following Monday.  Please remind your child they will need to look after these books!

Reading - Children are expected to read every day and record what they have read in their yellow Reading Records.  These should be brought into school every Monday to be checked.


All homework should be completed as independently as possible please and should take no longer than half an hour.  If your child does need extra help, please make a note of this on the homework itself. Thank you as always for your support.

Reading Challenge

Please encourage your child to read a variety of books - both different genres and authors.  To help this we have a Reading Challenge list.